Beat by Beat Page 13
A Beautiful Mind: Overcoming his social awkwardness and feelings of intellectual superiority (flaw), John begins teaching students out of the goodness of his heart (sacrifices for the greater good). His imaginary friends continue to stalk him (suffers), but John ignores them. In the end John earns the respect of his wife and colleagues and wins the Nobel Prize (reward).
The Conjuring: Overcoming her fear of demons (flaw), Lorraine stays in the haunted house to cast the demon out of Carolyn (sacrifices for the greater good). Afterwards, she walks out of the house, exhausted (suffers). Carolyn’s daughter gives Lorraine her lost necklace back (reward).
Gone Girl: Failing to overcome his need to please everyone (flaw), Nick takes psychopathic Amy back (fails to sacrifice for the greater good) to please the media. He now has to live with her and raise her child (suffers). He’s given no reward. We learn that trying to please everyone leads to misery.
I appreciate you taking time to read my book. You now have screenwriting secrets of successful movies at the ready.
People say that “knowledge is power” — and, hopefully, you’ve gained many insights from Beat by Beat — but I’ve come to learn from working in entertainment that knowledge without action and hard work is powerless. You must be willing to rewrite your scripts numerous times until each scene and act finds its sweet spot. In 1958 Ernest Hemingway told The Paris Review that he rewrote the ending to A Farewell To Arms thirty-nine times. And therein lies the secret to his success, and the success of the screenwriters who wrote the films you just studied in this book: They not only learned the technical aspects of storytelling, but it was their willingness to spend endless hours refining characters, themes, arcs, and dialogue to perfection that gave their tales a fighting chance at greatness.
This kind of greatness is available to you, too.
If you’d like to see more minute-by-minute story beats, which include forty successful movies like Star Wars, The Matrix, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and other classics, check out my bestseller Something Startling Happens: The 120 Story Beats Every Writer Needs to Know. You can find it at Or check out my treatment-writing e-book The Screenwriter’s Fairy Tale on Amazon.
All the best,
Todd Klick. Los Angeles, CA
Below are the Beat by Beat catch phrases that you can use while: 1) developing your script; 2) working with other writers; 3) preparing index cards; 4) making a pitch; 5) shooting a scene; 6) producing a script; 7) editing a film; 8) acting in a scene.
Aggressor, The — The hero or bad guy shows aggression during Minute 94.
Ally Aid — The ally or love interest takes a positive or significant step toward the hero during Minute 68.
Ally Attack — The bad guy, or secondary bad guy, deeply affects the hero’s ally or love interest during Minute 63.
Ally’s World — We learn more about the ally and their world during Minute 40.
Another Notch — Minute 4’s catch phrase which builds upon the previous minute’s The Ratchet. A good phrase to use here is, “If you thought that was bad . . .” as in: “If you thought that was bad, now the shark bites the girl and drags her around.”
Anxiety Amp — A sought-after truth or object is revealed and causes great anxiety during Minute 32.
Attension! — How a movie story starts during Minute 1 of a screenplay. Tension grabs attention.
Bad Guy Threat — The bad guy, or secondary bad guy, threatens hero in some way during Minute 64.
Bad to the Bone — A reference to the George Thorogood song that sums up the bad guy, or secondary bad guy, showing aggression during Minute 71.
Badder to the Bone — A building upon of Minute 71 which is called Bad to the Bone, a reference to the George Thorogood song that sums up the bad guy, or secondary bad guy, showing aggression. Badder to the Bone happens on Minute 72.
Baddest to the Bone — A building upon of Minutes 71 and 72 which are called Bad to the Bone and Badder to the Bone, a reference to the George Thorogood song that sums up the bad guy, or secondary bad guy, showing more aggression. Baddest to the Bone happens on Minute 73.
Bad Guy Boo-Boo — Refers to the bad guy getting hurt during Minute 85. It shows the bad guy is vulnerable and could possibly be defeated.
Bait and Switch — Seems like this new world the hero is experiencing in the movie is positive, but is it really? This happens during Minute 35.
Big Concern, The — The troubled or anxious state of mind, occurring during Minute 16, that happens to either the hero or ally.
Big Quest Prep — Hero prepares for the bigger quest with ally during Minute 28.
Big Quest Prep 2 — Building upon Minute 28’s Big Quest Prep, the hero and/or ally’s preparation for a bigger quest continues during Minute 29.
Big Unexpected, The — An unexpected moment during Minute 26 that keeps the hero and the audience off balance.
Bleak Meek — Refers to Minute 115 when things look bleak for the meek hero.
Blow, The — The hero or bad guy administers some sort of blow during Minute 103.
Blow-Up, The — Referring to Minute 102 when something blows up either physically or emotionally.
Build, The — Used during Minute 2 where audience anticipation is increased by “building upon” already existing tension. A good phrase to use during this minute is “Not only does” as in: “Not only does Casey get a mysterious call from a stranger, but the stranger calls a third time.”
Cage Slam, The — Refers to Minute 113 when the shark rams his nose into Hooper’s cage in Jaws.
Captivating Concern —Concern is shown during Minute 69, but with a little more at stake.
Charging Shark — The bad guy takes aggressive action toward the hero and ally during Minute 112.
Damage Done — The bad guy provokes physical or emotional damage during Minute 87.
Danger Watch — A docile hero watches danger approaching during Minute 14.
Dark Twist Chat — The hero talks with a friend, and then there’s a dark twist in Minute 56.
Death and Dying — Refers to the prominence of death and dying being the main feature during Minute 96.
Deceit, The — Referring to Minute 105 where some sort of deceit occurs.
Deception, The — Some form of deception, in words or deed, happens during Minute 59.
Deeper Deeper — Referring to Minute 101 where the hero goes deeper into the story.
Difficult Words — A difficult question/request/statement is asked or made during Minute 57.
Discussion, The — Someone important to the hero wants to discuss something significant during Minute 10.
Distress Signal — The hero sees/hears something that distresses him during Minute 31.
Dodge, The — Someone dodges or avoids something during Minute 106.
Double Damage Done — A building upon Minute 87’s Damage Done where the bad guy causes additional physical or emotional damage during Minute 88.
Engage, The — The hero and/or ally engage the enemy, the enemy intimidates the hero during Minute 51.
Extraordinary, The — Something extraordinary is revealed during Minute 109.
Escort, The — The ally takes, or will take, the hero somewhere during Minute 47.
Final Quest — Depending on how long your story is, somewhere between Minutes 80 and 110 is the last push toward the final battle place.
Flirtin’ with Disaster — A reference to the Molly Hatchet song that also refers to movies flirting with some sort of disaster during Minute 62.
Foreboding Fact — The hero is given more knowledge/warning, often ominous, during Minute 49.
Friend Effect — Ally’s behavior impacts the hero during Minute 34, either in words or deeds.
Friend or Fist — The hero and ally bond or fight during Minute 6, which defines their relationship and helps us get to know them better.
or Fist 2 — The phrase used to define Minute 7, which builds upon Minute 6’s Friend or Fist. During this minute the hero and ally bond or fight, which defines their relationship and helps us get to know them better.
Gap Subtract — Gap between hero and bad guy/ally decreases during Minute 84.
Gets the Better — The bad guy gets the better of hero and/or ally during Minute 114.
Good Does Bad — Someone that seems good does bad during Minute 107.
Gotta Go! — Refers to the hero hurrying off somewhere in Minute 83.
Great Effect, The — Something happens during Minute 21 that greatly impacts the hero.
Harsher Warning — Building upon Minute 11’s The Warning, Minute 12 is where a harsher warning or threat is made.
Hero Effect — The hero does something that will immediately or eventually impact the main bad guy during Minute 67.
Hide and Seek — The main object of desire stays hidden during Minute 36.
Hope Might Be Lost — Refers to Minute 118 where it looks like hope might be lost for the hero.
Hugs and Kisses — The hero and ally/love interest show affection during Minute 92.
Hugs and Kisses 2 — Builds upon Minute 92’s Hugs and Kisses where the hero and ally/love interest show more affection during Minute 93.
Intimidation, The — The enemy intimidates hero during Minute 53.
Jaw Dropper — A Minute 5 moment that makes the audience’s jaw drop. It’s where something extraordinary or astonishing happens in a movie.
Kick ’Em While They’re Down — The bad guy exerts tremendous effort against hero during Minute 116.
Kiss or Spit — The hero or bad guy shows either aggression or affection during Minute 98.
Kiss or Spit 2 — A building upon Minute 98’s Kiss or Spit, where the hero or bad guy shows more aggression or affection during Minute 99.
Kiss or Spit 3 — A building upon Minute 98 and 99’s Kiss or Spit, where the hero or bad guy shows even more aggression or affection during Minute 100.
Lightbulb, The — A new positive or negative revelation is made during Minute 54.
Massive Midpoint Moment — A moment between Minutes 55 and 62 when things get way more serious for the hero. It’s a radical event that forces the hero into seeing things through to the bitter end.
Mini-Quest, The — During Minute 27, a Mini-Quest happens just before the upcoming Big Quest.
Mystery Mission — Hero and ally interact; there’s a mystery that needs to be solved during Minute 78.
Mystery Mission 2 —A building upon Minute 78’s Mystery Mission where the hero and ally continue to interact; there’s a mystery that needs to be solved during Minute 79.
Need, The — An overriding need, usually expressed by the hero, is shown or expressed during Minute 30.
Needed Knowledge — The ally gives/shows hero needed knowledge during Minute 48.
New Journey — One of the main characters in the movie embarks on a new journey during Minute 70.
New Journey Bond — The hero bonds further with main ally on new journey during Minute 39.
New News — The hero reacts to New News during Minute 44.
Ominous Oh No — The hero sees/does/hears something ominous during Minute 33.
One Bullet Left — Taken from Minute 119 where John McClane in Die Hard and Chief Brody in Jaws both have only one bullet left when they go to meet the bad guy.
Out of the Ordinary — Hero does something brave and out of the ordinary for him during Minute 45.
Over His Head — The hero or ally realizes he may be in over his head during Minute 37.
Plus Minus — A positive turns into a negative, or a negative turns into a positive during Minute 61.
Portent, The — Something potentially deadly is seen or explained during Minute 50.
Positive Reconnect — The hero reconnects with ally in a positive way during Minute 38.
Positive Step — The hero does something positive toward his goal during Minute 66.
Powder Keg, The — Refers to Minute 120 when the powder keg of a situation either explodes physically or emotionally.
Pursuit, The — The hero discovers something extraordinary or astonishing during Minute 9 that must be pursued.
Push Back — Up until Minute 20 the hero has been pushed around, now it’s his turn to push back.
Put into Peril — The hero and/or ally is put into peril during Minute 74.
Ratchet, The — Just like a ratchet wrench escalates the tension in the wrist when tightening a bolt, added tension ratchets the story during Minute 3. A good phrase to use here is “Not only that, but now . . .” as in: “Not only that, but now Morpheus tells Trinity they’ve been compromised — agents are outside!”
Red Alert! — Circumstances grow more serious for hero during Minute 89.
Reprieve — Thing looks really, really bleak for hero during Minute 117, but hero does something that might save him.
Rescuing Ally — Refers to Minute 90 when the ally comes to the hero’s rescue.
Resistance, The — The hero or ally attacks or resists the bad guy during Minute 65.
Revelation, The — A revelation during Minute 46 that comes in four different forms: 1) Revelations that rock the hero’s world; 2) Revelations about the ally; 3) Revelations about the hero; 4) Revelations about the bad guy.
Rumble, The — Refers to Minute 77 where some sort of fight breaks out, either physically or emotionally.
Say Uncle — The common schoolyard phrase that encapsulates what happens during Minute 52. Not only does the enemy intimidate the hero in the previous minute, now he almost defeats him.
Scary Stuff — Hero experiences something scary with ally or love interest during Minute 23.
Scary Stuff 2 — Building upon the previous Minute 23, the hero and/or ally/love interest experience more scary stuff during Minute 24.
Scary Stuff 3 — Building upon the previous Minutes 23 and 24, the hero and/or ally/love interest experience even more scary stuff during Minute 25.
Sense of Finality — Referring to Minute 108 where either there’s a wrap up of the story or a subplot, or there’s a sense of impending doom.
Separation, The — The hero and ally separate during Minute 95.
Shocker, The —Something that draws a swift inhalation of breath from the audience that happens to the hero or his allies during Minute 60.
Sideswipe —During Minute 55 there is some kind of surprise — a sideswiping moment — which gives the hero and the audience a jolt.
Skull and Crossbones — Referring to death making an appearance of some sort during Minute 75.
Something Startling Happens — Something startling happens during Minute 8, usually to the hero.
Submission, The — A final warning or threat is made and the hero submits during Minute 13.
Surprised Hero — The bad guy or ally surprises the hero during Minute 81.
Surprise Reveal — During Minute 42 the ally/hero reveals something surprising.
Surprise Reveal 2 — Building upon Minute 42’s Surprise Reveal, the ally/hero reveals something even more surprising during Minute 43.
Surprise-Surprise — Refers to the second surprise during Minute 82 that follows Minute 81’s Surprised Hero.
Strong Statement — Refers to Minute 110 where a strong statement is made either visually or, most of the time, verbally.
Suffer the Weak — Some sort of suffering or weakness is expressed during Minute 91.
Surprise Reveal — The ally or hero reveals something surprising during Minute 42.
Taping the Knuckles — Refers to Minute 97 where the hero prepares for battle.
Thorny Rose — Things may seem kinda rosy, but there’s still ugliness out there during Minute 41.
Threat, The — The bad guy, or secondary bad guys, make a threat or warning during Minute 19.
Tick Tick Boom — Refers to Minute 80, which is just like a stick of dynamite that finally goes off.
; Trouble Turn — The event during Minute 18 that will get the hero into trouble later.
Truth Declared — Someone speaks a truth during Minute 22.
Turn for the Worse — Refers to Minute 111 where the story takes a turn for the worse, usually for the hero. A good phrase to use during this minute is “Oh no!’ as in: “Darth kills a rebel pilot, and two other rebel ships are shot down. Oh no!“
Turning Point — An event that sends the hero, and the story, into a dramatically different direction.
Upper Hand, The — The hero or bad guy gets the upper hand in an aggressive manner during Minute 104.
Valley of Death — A reference to the Old Testament verse, which sums up death making a stronger appearance during Minute 76.
Vital Event — An event during Minute 58 that either alters the hero’s life, touches upon the past, reveals the state of a relationship, or poses a threat.
Warning, The — A warning or threat is made during Minute 11.
Whew, That Was Close! — Hero experiences a close call while danger approaches in Minute 15.
World Upside Down — The bad guy turns a good person’s world upside down during Minute 17.
Worry Wound — Something worries and wounds our characters during Minute 86.
1 Attension!
2 The Build
3 The Ratchet
4 Another Notch
5 Jaw Dropper
6 Friend Or Fist
7 Friend Or Fist 2
8 Something Startling Happens
9 The Pursuit
10 The Discussion
11 The Warning INCITING INCIDENT (Minute 12)
12 Harsher Warning
13 The Submission
14 Danger Watch
15 Whew, That Was Close!
16 The Big Concern
17 World Upside Down TURNING POINT 17 (Between 16-18)
18 Trouble Turn
19 The Threat
20 Push Back
21 The Great Effect
22 Truth Declared
23 Scary Stuff
24 Scary Stuff 2